Theatre workshops for adults
The University of Geneva_ Running a theatre workshop in English for students of the University. Writing and directing four plays. Learn more...
Compagnie d'Improvisation de Rabat_ Running a three-day improvisation masterclass for two improvisation troupes in Rabat, Morocco

Theatre workshops for children
Théâtre AmStramGram_ Teaching theatre to children aged from 8 to 16 years old
Théâtr’Evasion_ Co-running and co-designing a theatre-themed camp for children with refugee status.
Fondation Jeunesse et Familles_ Designing and running a 6-month-long program to introduce themes relating to the rights of the child to residents of a children's home in Romainmôtier
Catalyse Theatre School_ Teaching theatre to children aged from 5 to 11 years old, each of which ends the year with a school play.

Theatre workshops for people in difficulty
Scène Active_ Running a theatre workshop for one year for 40 young people experiencing diverse types of difficulties, ranging from social problems to disabilities. Writing and directing a play staged at Casino Théâtre, one of Geneva's oldest theatres.
Bois-Mermet Prison_ Co-running and co-designing a theatre workshop for a group of incarcerated men. Co-directing a short film and a play starring the inmates, both of which were presented to the other inmates of the prison

Theatre of the Oppressed
Theatre Forum and Theatre of the Oppressed are theatrical approaches that aim to change the world for the better.
Speca(c)tor theatre company_ Directing, writing and running a theatre forum
Silex Theatre Company & Éclairage Public theatre company_ Co-directing and acting in several plays and other experiences using techniques such as Theatre Forum and Invisible Theatre
Don't Turn a Blind Eye (Amnesty International)_ Acting in an interactive play designed to raise awareness of sexist violence and train spectactors to intervene in such situations. More info...

Other applications of theatre tools
Courses for teachers and social workers_ especially relating to use of theatrical activities for language teaching
Team-building activities_ especially for international organisations.
Human Rights and Peace Education_ Fun, dynamic and participatory activities designed to give participants of all ages the tools and understanding they need to defend their human rights and those of others.

Cultural Outreach
Cultural Outreach consists of putting in place frameworks which allow diverse groups of people to fully participate in cultural life, taking into account the psychological, social, societal and material obstacles that may be in their way.
Destination 27_ Creating, running and coordinating bespoke projects and workshops in partnership with social institutions with the goal of making it possible for people in situations of precarity to fully participate in the cultural life of their community.
Compagnie Onyrikon & Université Ouvrière de Genève (UOG)_ Creating and running a program of cultural outreach and amateur participation in a play. Learn more...
Amnesty International & Centre de la Formation Préprofessionnelle_ Creating and running a cultural outreach program entitled "Cultural Rights" for young people in difficulty.

Teambuilding activities for International Organisations
Various International Organisations_ Expression, icebreaking and teambuilding workshops, for example during company retreats and conferences. (names of international organisations on request)

Courses for teachers and social workers
Hautes Écoles Pédagogiques Valais et BEJUNE_ Running further education programs for future teachers on how to teach English to children through theatrical techniques.
Haute École Pédagogique Lausanne_ Co-designing and co-running a training day on the use of theatre techniques when teaching children with refugee status.
HES-SO Valais (University for future social workers)_ Running a practical and theoretical workshop for future social workers on postures to adopt in social and professional contexts.

Human Rights Education
Amnesty International_ Designing and running various projects, such as Cultural Rights, which apply theatrical tools in order to permit teenagers experiencing learning obstacles (such as those linked to migration, language and behavioural issues) to overcome them and thus learn to defend and exercise their human rights.
Graines de Paix_ Designing theatrical frameworks for the teaching of "peace education" with the goal of cultivating tools and values to help children cooperate and resolve conflicts.
Terre des Hommes Suisse_ Participating in the creation of and running an awareness raising campaign for primary school chilcren around the event "La Marche de l'Espoir"